In 1975 came the punks. Appearance of the punks are often confused with the Skinheads. Term punk itself a slang used to refer to criminal or a vandal. Just like its predecessors, the punks also express themselves through clothing makeup and hair different. People punk declared himself as a distinguished class of anti-fashion, with the spirit and work ethic "everything is done alone" (do-it-yourself) eminence
Characteristic of the punk was torn jeans, safety pin (safety pins) which dicantelkan or wear on ears, cheeks, other accessories such as swastikas, crosses, leashes, and spike-top haircut and Mohican.
Spike-top haircut or hairdo shaped like a barbed nails are Mohican haircut or that is commonly called the Mohawk hairstyle which combines style with a shaving-top spike on the back and sides to produce a feathering effect a high or a set of cone. Sometimes they dyed her hair with such bright warna2 turned green, pink, purple, and orange ....
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In 1975 came the punks . Appearance of the punks are often confused with the Skinheads . Term punk itself a slang used to re...
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