How to Cut A Military Haircut

The edges of the military haircut define the cut. They are cut in what is commonly referred to as a high and dry cut. This means that the hairs around the back of the neck and the hairs around and above the ears are cut tightly along the growth of the natural hair line. There are no hairs left looking jagged or out of line, this cut is precise.

The entire head of hair is electric razor or clipper cut; this is also commonly called a buzz cut or crew cut. The cut itself is performed with an electric razor over a comb or with various sized attachments over the razor, these attachments are numbered. This is how some men ask for their trim: “I would like a number three on the top and a number one on the sides and in the back.” You can ask the professional stylist that is performing your hair cut what number guard or razor attachment they are using for your cut. This will help you to be specific when you return for a trim.

The hair around the top of the head and the crown should be kept slightly longer and it should be blended into a very tight cut around the ears and neck hairline. The top can be cut into a box effect which will be a flat top or the hair can be rounded to take the shape of the head. The top is usually left no longer than one or two inches in length and the sides and back are usually faded into a eighth of an inch or even bald.

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